Anonymous IP

Almost all sites that users visit collect information about them. At first glance, there is nothing special about this. What can the location of the computer, which determines the IP address, tell us? Or the time during which the user viewed the page? And mouse movements, clicks, text selection, information about which Internet resource the transition occurred from and to? All this has a general name - metadata (BigData).
Algorithms have already been developed that, based on these crumbs of information, calculate the approximate age of the user, his preferences, level of education and much more. And many Internet resources collect databases that they either use for their own purposes or sell to interested parties.
Surely everyone has noticed that if you regularly visit the same sites, the search engine first of all offers queries that are somehow related to the topic of these pages. Both contextual advertising and pop-up banners operate on the same principle. To get rid of these unnecessary things and not give information about yourself, it is recommended to use an online anonymizer, which allows you to change your IP, thereby virtually changing the country of geolocation.
How to do this? You need to download the CloudVPN application and install it on your device. The site has versions for Android, Windows, iOS and MacOS. After launching the utility, the user can change their location in just a couple of clicks.
What does this give? Due to the large number of subscribers, tens of thousands of different requests simultaneously pass through the same VPN server. And since users constantly change their IP address, specialized programs that collect data and process them receive completely opposite requests, on the basis of which it is no longer possible to predict the behavioral reactions of visitors. Thus, CloudVPN allows you to maintain anonymity when surfing the Internet.